Alo-a-he double
The sea snail Strombus Gigas (Red Lip) is a popular wind instrument in the Pacific region. Its used as a kind of natural trumpet. The body has finger-like protrusions, which made me think of using them as sound sensors. I equipped the snail shell with a microphone and guided the object carefully over walls and floors. The frictional contact made the snail resonate. I then made this noise audible again as a recording with a system of tubes in the same snail shells. For a short moment - the noise of a shell is audible.
Stills & Sounds, Kubus, Hannover 2008
Geräusche, Gelbe Musik, Berlin 1991
Geräusche, Gelbe Musik, Berlin 1991
Membran, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Saarbrücken 1993
Naturkunden, Heliosturm, Köln 1993
Kunst der Gegenwart, Schloß Plön, Plön 1993
Schall und Rauch, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin; Zoom, Wien; Villa Contarini a Piazzola sul Brenta, Padova; Technische Sammlungen, Dresden 1997
Stills & Sounds, Kubus, Hannover 2008
Strombus Gigas; flexible, industrial hose; concrete cylinders with integrated speakers; cable; electronical equipment.
Photo: Tom Gundelwein│Membran, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Saarbrücken 1993