Piano Concert
The sounding board of a piano with intact stringing and a handcart as the pedestal is the instrument. As when on a table, the utensils for sound production are used and the strings are prepared. I am particularly interested in sounds of movement, vibrations and fast percussions performed with various stones or extended into silence with trickling sand.
Clustermusik, Quergalerie im Eisstadion, Berlin 1984
Berlin im Gasteig, München 1985
Klavierkonzert, Het Apollohuis, Eindhoven 1986
Das Sommerloch, Markthalle, Hamburg 1986
Junge Kunst in Hamburg, Kampnagelfabrik, Hamburg 1987
Piano rest; stones; sand; screws; felt; electronical equipment
Klavierkonzert, Het Apollohuis, Eindhoven 1986